The Professions – Administration
Further examples of different types of administration include anything from an Arts Administrator to the traditional work undertaken by a Secretary, including e.g. Company Secretary or a Legal/Medical Secretary.
AMSPAR is The Association of Medical Secretaries, Practice Managers, Administrators and Receptionists. It was established in 1964 with the aim of creating and promoting appropriate qualifications, initially for those working as medical secretaries and subsequently for medical receptionists, administrators and practice managers.
Association of University Administrators
As an organisation, we exist for our members. We offer support to help you enhance careers, boost your job prospects and create valuable networking opportunities. In short, we empower our members to take control of their career development.
Institute of Administrative Management
Administrative management is at the heart of every successful organisation playing an essential role to ensure that businesses run smoothly. It involves all types of business management and administration. Any middle or senior manager who is involved in the planning, co-ordinating, directing, or controlling…
Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
Chartered Secretaries are high-ranking professionals with a broad base of skills unique among the professions. Trained in law, finance, accounting, strategy and corporate governance, Chartered Secretaries provide a focal point for independent…