MOOCs and SPOCs – Everything you need to know….
So what is this article about? Its been written to try and explain the phenomenon of MOOCs and how it is sweeping the higher education world - not just in the UK, but around the world. I hope you find it useful. So what are MOOCs? A MOOC stands for...
Referencing – Harvard v APA
Harvard Referencing "One of the most standard practices expected from the writers of any article or research paper is the proper referencing of the resources" The key difference between Harvard referencing and APA citation One of the most standard...
All about Apprenticships
Apprenticeships - what you need to know What are apprenticeships? An apprenticeship is basically a job with training. Trainees are usually supported by both the employer and a training provider who makes sure the apprentice is covering the proper...
Study Abroad
"Students have always gone to study abroad. There's nothing new in this. But recently there does seem to be more of an interest amongst the young." Ten Great Reasons to Study Abroad Students have always gone to study abroad, even more so now. An...
Where to get Careers Advice – Sources of Careers Guidance
Careers advice is important, of course. But where to get it. Careers advisers, publications and government sources are all out there. But here we add some more.... What Career? The need for good careers advice is essential when deciding on which is...