The Professions – Education, Training & Advice

The education sector is one of the largest employers of professional staff in the UK. This section contains information on the main teaching unions and other education and training related organisations….

See the professional bodies below to see the full list of organisations in the education, training and advice area, plus some of the excellent services they provide including training and membership amongst others.


Association for Science Education

The Association for Science Education (ASE) is the largest subject association in the UK. As the professional body for all those involved in science education from pre-school to higher education, the ASE provides a national network supported by a dedicated staff team.

Association of Teachers and Lecturers

ATL is the union for education professionals across the UK. Active in the maintained, independent and post-16 sectors, we use our members’ experiences to influence education policy, and we work with government and employers to defend your pay, conditions and career development.

Career Development Institute

The CDI is the new single UK-wide professional organisation for everyone working in the fields of career education; career information, advice and guidance; career coaching and career management. We opened our doors on 2 April 2013.

National Association for Head Teachers

NAHT is an independent trade union and professional association representing over 28,500 members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Members hold leadership positions in early years; primary; special and secondary schools; independent schools; sixth form and FE colleges; outdoor education centres….

National Association for the Teaching of English

The National Association for the Teaching of English will work to: Promote standards of excellence in the teaching of English from Early Years to University Promote innovative and original ideas that have practical classroom outcomes Support teachers’ own professional development

National Institute of Continuing Adult Education

We are a charity, a company limited by guarantee and a member-led, non-governmental organisation. Our membership base is made up of individual and corporate members, who range from universities, colleges and local authorities to the BBC, the National Federation of Women’s Institutes, the Trades Union Congress….

National Union of Teachers

The NUT was founded as the National Union of Elementary Teachers (NUET) for all teachers in England and Wales in June 1870, the year that Forster’s Education Act set up elected local school boards to build elementary schools. In 1888 it became the National Union of Teachers.